Is the Supercourse useful for Latin America?


Nicolas Padilla-Raygoza
Faina Linkov
Eugene Shubnikov
Ronald E. LaPorte
Rosalina Diaz-Guerrero


BACKGROUND: The success of the Supercourse showed that the effort was needed in Latin America. But would a Spanish language version be better for the region?

METHODS: Google Analytics was used to determine website usage. A custom evaluation form was created to get user feedback on the usefulness of both the English language and Spanish language Supercouse lectures.

RESULTS: Over a year's span from June 2009 to June 2010 there were 257,403 unique visits and 448,939 page views. The overall average rating of lectures was 4.87 with the Spanish language lectures getting even higher ratings.

CONCLUSION: Supercourse lectures in Spanish were a great success in Latin America. This success shows the need for this information and similar success could be found in Central Asia.


Как цитировать
Padilla-Raygoza, N., Linkov, F., Shubnikov, E., LaPorte, R. E., & Diaz-Guerrero, R. (2013). Is the Supercourse useful for Latin America?. Central Asian Journal of Global Health, 1(1).
Биография автора

Nicolas Padilla-Raygoza, University of Guanajuato

Department of Nursing and Obstetrics, Division of Health Sciences and Engineering

Библиографические ссылки

The Supercourse faculty. Global cooperation in higher education: supercourse. N Nat Med 2000; 6(4): pp. 358.

LaPorte R. Red de Salud Global. Supercourse January 8,2007 (In Spanish)( (Access June 4th, 2010)

Supercourse on Epidemiology, Internet and Global Health 2010. ( (Access June First, 2010).

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Chotani R. Just-In-Time Lecture. Influenza pandemic A(H1N1)(Swine flu). Latin American Supercourse, December, 2009 ( (Access June 24th, 2010).

Ardalan A, LaPorte R, Shubnikov E, Linkov F, Russel M, Noji E. Hurricanes. Latin American Supercourse 2008 ( (Access June 24th, 2010).

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