Asymptomatic Bacteriuria in Pregnant Women in Outpatient Facilities


Maral G. Nogayeva
Svetlana A. Tuleutayeva


Urinary tract morbidity has increased by 7% in Kazakhstan between 2007 to 2011. Pregnant women with extragenital pathologies or kidney diseases had the greatest prevalence of morbidity. Asymptomatic bacteriuria (AB) is one of the most important risk factors of pyelonephritis development in pregnant women, and it can affect the course and outcome of pregnancy, delivery, and postnatal period. AB prevention requires prevention of pregnancy complications including early diagnostic of urinary tract infections, timely optimization of therapy at outpatient facilities, and dynamic follow-up.


Как цитировать
Nogayeva, M. G., & Tuleutayeva, S. A. (2015). Asymptomatic Bacteriuria in Pregnant Women in Outpatient Facilities. Central Asian Journal of Global Health, 4(1).
Биография автора

Svetlana A. Tuleutayeva, Kazakh National Medical University

Outpatient Department

Библиографические ссылки

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